, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Life On Sunday


13 August 2012

Life On Sunday

Things are pretty much the same around here these days. Week to week the grass keeps growing and it seems to rain every other day. I'm surprised that I've continued my daily walks so long. I'm motivated to get up before it gets hot out each day. But those sunrises are enough inspiration alone! Thank you, God!

That brings me to Sundays, when everything changes. I'm looking forward to our new church year starting in September. (If you've been blowing it off for a while, why not think about coming to church again and make a fresh start)?

The Praise Team is a real joy for me. It makes me wonder what took me so long and how many things would have played out differently if I'd joined sooner. I'm learning a whole new genre of contemporary music, and love playing with the harmonies.

When I first started going to the 8:30am Sunday morning Praise Team rehearsals I drove back home to get Danny. Then we'd both return at 10am for the Worship Service. But soon it got extremely hot outside and I kept getting so hot and sweaty just getting into a hot vehicle to drive home, that it just made more sense (and made my day calmer) to join a Sunday School class and let Danny fend for himself. This has worked out great. I'm at peace, he shows up...everybody's happy. Love it!

Because Danny comes after Sunday School I was able to join the Ladies Sunday School Class. I've always had a secret yen for that ever since they started the class. I love being part of it. We have some deep discussions. I'm sure we all are on the same page when it comes to having a closer walk with God and striving to do His Will.

I was contacted a couple of times regarding my interest in taking the choir Director position for the coming church year. At this point I am preparing in case I'm voted in. I've been going through the hymn book, finding   songs that I think can be crafted into special music. I'm hoping to transition into doing some sheet music later on. This past year (or longer) the choir has simply come to the choir loft at the appropriate time to sing a hymn each Sunday. Rehearsals somehow faded away and I definitely want to resume meeting briefly before Worship to go over the pieces. I also want to have night rehearsals at least twice a month as we get ready for holiday music. At least this is my current plan...reality may prove otherwise.

I've also been working on the church website. I'd done one a few years ago before we quit going to church, so it never went live online. Maybe this year things will go differently. I enjoy doing it and once set up, it doesn't really take long to maintain.

I've always loved church. I love working at church and doing what I can to make things go smoother. I wish everyone had that tug at their heart to want to give of themselves to make things better. You've heard that line, "it takes a village." Well, it's the same thing at church...takes everyone's willing heart to make a church family into a church home. I'm blessed to be part of it and want to continue as long as I can.

The chorus of The Longer I Serve Him...
The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows,
The more that I love Him, more love He bestows;
Each day is like heaven, my heart overflows,
The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows.