Melissa and Rob have the cutest little house, built by Rob's grandfather next door to his parents. It has a lovely beachy, cottage feel.
When we arrived, Missy greeted us with some of her homemade rolls before they took us around town. So cute. And the rolls were so good!
We got to visit Stetson University where Rob attended and now works. It's absolutely beautiful! Could you imagine being there?
Because it was a holiday journey we didn't get to do a lot of things that we might have done at some other time. But spending time with my girl and her family was such a special treat that we didn't miss anything at all. Thanksgiving was a blast that started with brunch in the sun room at the In-law's home. Then we had a siesta before returning to Missy's for a full-blown Italian style home-cooked meal. Course after course... omg!... where do they put all that food?!
We had a lot of fun and made some really good memories that will be cherished for a very long time! Thank you all for letting us be a part of it all!