, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Not Christmas Yet


05 December 2012

Not Christmas Yet

It is so not easy to get in the Christmas mood when the temperatures are hovering near 80°. Yesterday was hot. Hello..This is not Florida. This is just below DC where they get snow. But if you've ever read about Edgar Cayce then you know that, according to Cayce, Tidewater is one of the safest places on earth and I totally believe it. Storms coming up from the south seem to evaporate or go around us by the time they get here. Big northern storms usually stop just shy of here. I've actually been in snow on the north end of the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel and came out  to sunny skies and no snow on the south end!

Anyway, I'm having trouble getting that 'holly-jolly' feeling. I have one tree sitting in the living room with nothing on it. There's a few decorations sitting on the kitchen table. When Hubster asked if I wanted the rest of the things down I said No Way... I'm not at all ready for them, either mentally or physically.

After the kids left home it suddenly got a lot harder to get the decorations up. What used to take a couple of hours now takes weeks. I can't stand too long on a good day. When you add scurrying around, primping a tree, and poking lights everywhere it doesn't take long at all before I need to sit. It's so frustrating! Grrr! You can't fix a tree sitting down!

All I can do while sitting here on my butt, viewing the mess, is to form a plan of attack. It eventually all comes together. I'm just hoping that it does so faster than last year when it was all done a mere 4 days before Christmas.

In the meantime while I ponder my decorating options I'll be at church getting my Christmas spirit back on track. I'll be singing the hymns we love at Christmas time, and checking who gets to play Mary in the children's annual pageant, and hearing the Good News that Jesus Christ was born just so He could die in my place and Save me and you from our sins. That's the real deal about Christmas anyway, right?!