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09 September 2024

The Summer Gist

 I knew it had been a while since my last post, had no idea it had been so many months! Wow, let me think what's been going on.

Danny finished working on an old friend's boat. He's been decluttering his shop too. A massive job if you ask me.

We've been going to the chiropractors every 2 weeks to keep ourselves moving. Danny had to go back to the pain management doc in July but seems to be better these days. We try to pace ourselves :)

There was a black snake on the front porch. I can't believe I let him talk me into just watching it slither off. Yes, I know they're the good snakes, but they need to keep off the porch. Recently we were moving pine straw around some flower beds and I looked at the previous one we'd just finished in time to see a Red Belly slinking off. Gosh! I wonder where he was while we were working there!!?

Pepper, our new cat, was cured of ear mites and was fixed just in the nick of time. She had 5 little embryos inside her. Luckily without a heartbeat yet. So they are gone. She's gradually working her way into the house, but so far likes her garage domain best.

I've had another one of those annual coughs from hell all summer. That has really been a bummer and has made me fear I'd never be able to sing again. But finally I'm seeing days without coughing and now have hope to warble like a songbird again soon.

We've been visiting various churches but so far seem to enjoy TV sermons the most (probably because we go out for breakfast beforehand). Still, we both feel the need to find a real church home again. We have one we visit often, but for some reason it just doesn't seem to tick all the boxes for us. So, we keep an open mind and keep visiting around. (I do miss my old church a lot and often have dreams of being there).

 Our garden did great and is now beginning to fade as the leaves on some trees begin to turn yellow. 

I think we had the biggest tomatoes we've ever grown this year.

We've had lots of visitors over the summer: turkeys, deer, even rabbits. And let's not forget that big ol' bear we had earlier! The craziest visit was a recent exploration of our deck by a groundhog! Can you believe it? Up on the deck!!!

In addition to my genealogy projects I've also been working on making my hats for the homeless again. I usually donate about 60 at a time so I have to start early to have them ready by December. I'm thinking it's going to be a tough winter based on the berries coming up on my holly bushes. I'm about a third of the way through so far.

That's about the gist of things right now. Danny was delayed by the boat to get the new island painted but it's happening very soon (or so I've been told). Surely it'll be done in time for Christmas though ;)