Everyone came to see Mom because she had surgery on her foot Thursday. Just some local bone "shaving" off the bottom. After a shaky couple of days because of the demoral she took, she's doing much better now. Stuff like that makes us sick; we're allergic to codeine and I don't take anything that has "dine" in it. I'd rather have the pain that the sick. But we only find out through doing, which sucks, but once done you don't go there again.
Danny is still in the shop and I'm piddling around online and thought I'd give a Blogger update. Melissa said she used to look at my Gardening Place blog that I've deleted now. I have until the 5th of next month to change my mind and reopen it. We were looking at the garden when she said it. There have been a few changes out there in the garden; maybe I'll reopen that blog and put some new photos on. Like everyone is just waiting around to see our little garden. I'm so sure.

Can you tell it makes me mad?!

We don't go to church anymore. I miss it a lot, but in the interim I've been listening to a preacher on the radio when I go to work in the mornings. He must be Mexican. His name is Raoul and is very good. I really enjoy hearing his continuing messages through the Bible. But the funny thing is that when I listen to him I keep picturing George Lopez preaching to me!
This guy has done everything bad it seems like, before he came to Christ. Drugs, drinking, even beating his wife, but he finally listened when God spoke and became a follower, teacher and minister. You can tell he's been there, done that, when he speaks. He doesn't come across as "holier than thou" and I like that he's just a regular person sharing God's word. He's humble. I'd love to meet him.
Dan just brought me my drinky-poo so I'm done here. Have a good week!