We had a phenomenal Easter season this year. That was partly because our Florida gal came home for a long visit after being homesick for a way too long. We were so glad to see her again! The weather was perfect the whole time and we had lunch on the deck many days, enjoying the birds and all the flowers. On the Saturday before Easter our whole family met for lunch at Olive Garden. While we missed those who are no longer with us, our smaller group had a pretty wonderful time. A fellow diner even offered to take our picture.
On Easter Sunday Danny and I got up for early sunrise service and later picked up Sleepyhead for the 10am service. It was so nice having her there and seeing her while I was singing. We were so excited that I forgot to even suggest getting a picture there as many others did!
After church we went over to the Shop and had a fish fry. Bro had saved a big catfish for just this occasion! As we sat around after eating someone suggested we do a boat ride to see the eagle's nest. Oh my gosh! Who gets to do this on Easter Sunday?! It was so awesome!
The eagles nest was huge! Alas, we didn't see anything flying but an osprey. But we've seen eagles from the house so they are close by.

We spent several hours out there, meandering all around. We waved to the guys fishing from the bridge as we scooted by, then we went past the boardwalk almost to the church before heading back towards home.
By that time the fishermen were gone so we all ducked down inside the boat and went under the bridge to see the beautiful still waters behind our homes. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Such peace!
Finally we headed home. We all slept so good that night!
Our adventures were not over yet though. I saw on the news one day that the Space Station was going over that evening. So I called next door to let them know and bundled myself up against the mosquitoes to watch. Knowing they were outside next door we started hooting and hollering back and forth. And all of a sudden, there it was.... gliding silently though the night sky. Through my binoculars I could see twin white orbs moving together as the thing went quickly beyond our sight. It was really cool.
Then I found out it was coming again the next night! Everyone came to our house and while we waited Danny lit the fire pit he'd made for the inaugural fireside fun. Ah... so cool! Well done, Danny!
As it got darker we cranked our necks up to scan the sky and finally saw our target. It was even better than the night before! It went by quickly and for almost 10 minutes afterwards we chattered away, discussing our sighting when I noticed something glowing behind the trees.

We all watched as a long line of lights moved into view. It was slower than the space station and we had plenty of time to talk about the many lights we were seeing. We could only think it was some kind of meteor, but days later I did some research I found out that SpaceX had launched close to 60 satellites that same afternoon. After viewing videos and various news casts online I'm sure we witnessed the SpaceX Satellite "train!" The map shows approx 6½ minutes after launch and it was so close to our location. My theory is that if it followed the same trajectory at all, it must be what we saw hours later. We're going to keep tabs for another launch date and have a watch party and hopefully confirm the coincidence. I wish I'd had my binoculars or taken a photo, but it was so strange and exciting we never even thought about it.