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16 March 2023

Hating the Waiting

I'm now less than two weeks out from my total knee replacement. It's driving me crazy. The last week or so has been meeting with my doctor for preop exam, EKG, blood work, all the normal crapola you have to go through. This is my 6th go-round. I pray it's my last.

I've always had the normal pre-surgery jitters but this time is different. It's the first surgery since Mom had her "normal" surgery and didn't survive.  But my Sunday School class prayed for me one Sunday and after that, I haven't dwelt on my fears like I had before they prayed. I am ever so grateful to them for their prayers!

Due to recent stressful events my blood pressure went sky-high and I had to stop going to church. Now I've got medication that seems to be helping. I'm hopeful that taking meds is a temporary fix and after all the stress is gone, that my high readings will be a thing of the past too.

Today I'm scheduled for a massage. That ought to calm me down some! Today is also my brother's birthday so after my relaxation session we'll all be heading out to lunch. He's chosen a new place we haven't been before so it's rather exciting!

Home drama with taxes, lawyers, and investment people in other states is getting closer and closer to being over and done with. Can't wait to see that day come either! Danny can walk in his mancave again now that the many boxes and piles of papers picked up from off the floor and every available smooth surface.

Baby blankets
I've been working on my genealogy and making crocheted baby blankets while I have to sit around so much waiting for surgery. I love making these and trying out new stitches. The yellow and purple are both new for me, and they were pretty easy but look hard. Makes me look like I know what I'm doing LOL!

Color me counting the days until I can walk without pain!