This past week it seemed like all the violets bloomed on the same day. It was beautiful. I think we have even more than usual because of all the water we've had standing around behind the shop. When Dan said he was going to cut the grass suddenly I grabbed the camera and headed out the door.
Abby got very excited because 1) it was so gorgeous outside and 2) both Danny and I were outside together (we'd gotten so we usually take turns taking her out over the winter). Anyway, she flipped out like normal and started running her circles...round and round, low to the ground as she could get. It was pure joy to see her.
After a moment I went ahead with my task. I lowered my camera close to the ground thinking I could take the picture on such an angle that all the purple would show up like this mass floral display. Yeah, right - this was obviously a 'you had to be there' kind of moment. And as luck would have it right when I clicked the camera there was this little tan blurr headed right in my direction as hard as she could. She whizzed past me and I clicked again. "ABBY! What are you doing?!"
She was in just about every shot I took because she was bounding around the large magnolia tree and our timing was apparently synced perfectly.
Well, I managed to crop a photo enough to show that I did have some violets. Not the masterpiece I was looking for, but I saw them in person. I also saw that crazy Abby smiling and it was all good! That's her in this week's puzzle. I just had to share!