, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Church Yard Sale


22 April 2012

Church Yard Sale

We had a great time last Saturday participating in the Relay for Life Yard Sale at church. The morning rush was a little bit discombobulated at first, but that’s to be expected with everyone rushing around. But after we figured out what the plan was it all fell into place. Vendors staked out their little spot of real estate and we waited for the onslaught of customers.
The morning was brisk and being at such a great location we had lots of people who stopped by who hadn’t actually planned on doing any yard sale hunting, although the many motorcycles enjoying the beautiful day simply passed us by with hardly a glance.
We didn’t sell everything…didn’t expect to. But we went home with less than we came with. As we packed up the leftovers we sorted things into Keep or Go boxes. I believe tomorrow may see a nice little donation to our local CHKD thrift store.
Several things that sold I was woohoo-ing over were the skeet thrower (very hard to store such an awkward item) and his grandma’s old tables. Yes, they’re gone!!!
Click to enlarge the photos.

The only thing missing from this event was more vendors. I think everyone made a little money at the sale and we all enjoyed the sunshine and time chatting with each other.
Now, let’s start planning for the fall sale!