, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Day Late


19 April 2012

Day Late

I just a day late or two. It's been busy lately. But first I must share the wonderful news that Daddy got yesterday. His Prostate cancer numbers have dropped from over 160 to less than 6! It's so incredibly good, we are all beside ourselves with joy! He is still very tired and having a little shortness of breath, but he seems to have a 'new lease on life' now and is still the chipper guy we all know and love. He phoned me this morning, thrilled and so upbeat...makes me happy just thinking of how he sounded...He was definitely 'wound up' as we say around here.

Dan & early customer Rob
Now let me back-track a moment and tell you that we finally had our long awaited yard sale last weekend. It was my first two day event, having always gotten my fill of personal selling in one day before this. It was very tiring for me, going up and down the stairs so many, many times. My hips were screaming at me by the end of each day. I consoled myself with the thought of the bulging dab of money in Danny's secure pocket as we went about our cleaning, shuffling, and explaining about our wonderful "products" to anyone who asked.

We did pretty good and I'm hoping to get a visit to Olive Garden soon in celebration. But first - say it ain't so - he wants to gather up our remaining stock and try our hand at the upcoming yard sale down at the church this Saturday. Oh my! At least there aren't steps involved! I hope our goodies will all fit in the SUV. It should be fun and I'm blessed to have a guy that gets into doing these kinds of things. I'll let you know how it goes later. Just pray for an empty vehicle for on the way back home.

I think I mentioned earlier that I went to Reed Manning Salon to collect my Christmas present from Danny of a massage with mani/pedi. At the last visit they had a leak in their water dept and I was offered the choice of returning for another massage or the mani/pedi. I took another massage. Well, today I got that 2nd massage. I told my gal, Christine that she was one of my last hopes to find the problem with my shoulder and that pinched nerve that drives me crazy. You know, I think after this 2nd massage we're making progress. So much so, that I have two more appointments to see if we can finish working all these knots and tension spots away. I know from my doc that when muscles tighten up they can 'pull' things out of whack. I already feel better.

And after another yard sale this coming weekend I may need another massage anyway! I think Danny is starting to seriously think about getting a massage too. It wouldn't hurt him any either, with him pulling his back from doing too much too often!