, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Let The Chips Fall


16 May 2012

Let The Chips Fall

I mentioned in my last post that I was working on a Potato Chip scarf. Since it seems to be rather bulky as the rows go by I haven't yet taken it anywhere as a mobile project. So work has been slow and confined to  in front of my TV. I have all the yarn laying on the coffee table for quick grabs. I guess as long as they have 'Judge So-and-So' on TV which makes for good listening, I'll be able to work on it ok. It's hard to crochet while you actually look at something else.

Anyway, here's an updated look at my project:

It's all coiled and twirly:

It looks rather barren in the photos, but the black, white, and gray is really pretty cool. I'm only about half-way done and you can see in the 1st photo that my skein is kinda thin. It looks like this project will be a two-skein deal. With all that input it should (I hope) turn out rather fabulous!