, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Ahhhh


11 May 2012


I have really been enjoying my weekly massages. I consider them to be my best medicine these days. My long-time pain management doctor told me years ago that in all her years of practice she'd never met anyone who had "tighter" muscles than I did. The impact of what she was saying never really set in. I knew I was in a constant state of tense and pressing a spot was often hard instead of pliable.

When my neck started stiffening beyond my control my troubles got worse. These days I can actually feel the piano-wire-like pull from my neck column down through my shoulder. Occasionally I get my old sling out from a past surgery, to aid in taking the pressure off.  In late February the good doctor set me up for injections; they didn't work and no relief was found. After that disappointment I went to the Reed Manning Salon to cash in my Christmas present.

See, Hubster gave me a massage for Christmas. hurt a lot, but it a good way. It took 3 days for me to get over it because of all the muscles that needed help. I later found out that you can get a package price for getting massages more often. Of Course, I want them more often!! They are my only hope now for any kind of relief!

My gal, Chris understands my difficulty. She understands how it's all connected under the skin. You push on this to release that, you pull on this to make the other work better. It's a slow process, but I think it's working. I continue my exercises at home from my many therapies for back, neck, shoulders and whatever else has been neglected for so long. It's all working. If it doesn't, then I'm to the point of wanting surgery, because I can't live this way.

But you know what? Even if it didn't work I'd still get the massages. That relaxing moment in time, in the dim light with the most lovely classical music in the background, is priceless. It's my time to forget everything and just BE ME. I definitely think that alone makes it good medicine!