, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: No More Chips


31 May 2012

No More Chips

The Potato Chip scarf is done. I delivered it to Mom yesterday and she loved it. She wanted it as a birthday gift for a friend who loves and wears scarves all the time. This was a special request by Mom after she saw the dental receptionist's project scarf during a recent appointment.

I went online and saw several, but I must say, none were as frilly as mine was (IMHO), so I am pretty pleased how it turned out. I would never wear one like that, but then again I'm pretty short and pleasingly plump, unlike the intended recipient who is tall, and will be able to carry it off while looking totally awesome.

So now I'm trying to figure out what my next great creation will be. Summer's on top of us, it's hot out, and I'm leaning towards cotton somethings, or maybe a towel topper or two.