Well, I did it this morning. I actually stood with the Praise Team before the church and sang with a hot little microphone in my hand. I thought for a minute I was suddenly going to develop my first-ever panic attach on the spot, But in between trying to remember to come in on time and singing on key, I kept telling myself to calm down and just do it.
I think I must be my own worse enemy. I was stressing so much over trying to be in the rehearsal for the Praise Team and being in the Choir room with the choir all at the same time. It wasn't exactly how I'd like Sunday mornings to smoothly play out, but it managed to work. I think the key was making the effort to get there for an 8:30am practice before church even started.
We sang "The Blessing" and "How Great Is Our God." The team sounded pretty good too, if my opinion counts for anything. There was a lot of prayer involved for me to get to this point. In the past I have told others that the more you sing in front of the church, the easier it gets...I can only hope that it proves to be true in my own case too. Next Sunday will be here before you know it!