, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Orange and Brown


06 May 2012

Orange and Brown

What's orange and brown with more orange and brown? Why, my newest loom knit scarf!

I made this to go with the crocheted beanie I made in February. I think it's going to end up being a very popular set next winter! It's finished, all but tying off the ends. I'm debating whether to take the remaining yarn and add fringe or just have drawstring ends. What do you think? It's so cool because the pattern looks like rings but actually they are spirals that never end... just round and round!

Now that this is almost done I have already started my next project. I think I mentioned the dentist receptionist giving Mom a pattern for a Potato Chip Scarf.  It actually looks really easy. So far the hardest part was chaining 220 to start off with. I tend to forget to count, especially with the TV on. Now I've got the first couple of rows on and I'm looking forward to it. I'm using one of the black, gray and white skeins I had bought for my daughter's blanket. I can't wait to see what pattern the variegation make this time!