, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: I Can See


06 May 2012

I Can See

The other day I was out on the deck when I spied something moving across the ditch in the corn field behind the shop. What on earth?
We decided this might be an Eastern Painted Turtle. This was no little turtle either. It was about a foot long and almost as wide! No wonder I could see it from that far without my glasses on! Danny took the camera over the big ditch to take some close-ups for me. You can see how big the corn is around him...maybe 3-4 inches. We thought maybe it was our long-lost "George" coming back home. But he only stopped by for a minute or two. He was heading to the woods or maybe he'll start living in our new big ditches they recently dug out.

Ok, now for my Spring floral updates:

This last picture is showing the Wren's nest to the left of the base of the pole. This is all in the large flower pot to the right of the greenhouse door (see puzzle) that has the purple Clematis and the wooden parrot in it.