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09 June 2012

Now It's Hot

This is getting into hot weather now. S'pose to hit 90° today and 91° tomorrow. I hate hot...sticky, humid, sweaty, buggy, and the seats in the car are hot so you stick to them. So I'll be doing morning errand runs for the next few months and laying low in the AC for the rest of each day.

Well, if you haven't heard by now Daddy fell off the utility room step the other day. He has a glorious shiner to go with his bumps and cuts. But luckily he didn't crack his head on the cement or break any pertinent things. I've done the same thing myself before (minus the falling part); he thought he was on the last step and went to step on the floor, only it wasn't the floor and his foot was too far forward to be on that last step, and there ya go (or there he went). He's chipper as always, making jokes about it all. Don't expect to see him much for a while...the shiner makes him hide.

After speaking with my pain doc I am preparing to go get an opinion from a neurosurgeon about the pinch in my neck. I don't want to keep on like I am and my 'persistent' veins made injecting med blockers not an option. I'll take all my reports from all my doctors, my x-rays, MRI, and anything else I can find to see what this guy has to offer. So no telling what my summer future will be soon.

You know how we've had so much rain lately? Well, the worse case senario happened (in my opinion, but not a big deal to Dan). He went to move the RV from where he's been working on it in front of the shop. You guessed it. Spinning wheels in Soggy soil = a sunk RV. I think there's like 6 inches or less on one side between the bottom of the camper and the ground. Danny's not worried about it, but it makes me sick to see it like that. Hopefully these hot temps will dry things up and we can take care of business.

Quick update: I went to take a photo and he had just moved it! PTL! So instead, here's a picture of the big dead spot we now own. I shall consider this a small step towards actually going somewhere in it some day.

This Tuesday, barring a storm or two, hopefully Danny and his bud, Jimmy, will be putting up the new siding on the house. We only bought it last fall. I believe if we wait much longer water will be getting in under the eves. The results will be a drastic change. Our cedar wood-look siding was a light tan which faded over 20 years to a nearly white tan. The new look will be RED. Yes, I said red! Photos soon.

We're hopeful that our little flea issue is soon conquered. We all know that the populations are exploding outside and if we can just get our little Abby and the crazy cat through the next 4 months we'll be good to go. So we bought some Confortis yesterday to see if we can make Abby less 'tasty.' It's a monthly pill that she likes wrapped in cheese, thank you. We're anxious to see how this works in addition to the Advantix. So far nothing we've tried (an extensive list) is really doing it for us. I think being so close to the woods may be a factor too. I can't move the woods, but we hussle poor little Abby in and out on her business missions so fast...I'm sure she misses just stretching out on the cool grass, but it's just not to be for a while.

I'm so loving the Praise Team. It's very challenging since I don't know any of the songs, but it's fun and everyone is willing to take a chance on me. This week we're trying something A capella and in 3 parts. We sounded terrific in practice and hopefully we'll make God smile with this one on Sunday.