, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Rough Week


22 July 2012

Rough Week

My colonoscopy got moved up from August to last week . On the bright side I didn't have to wait as long thinking about it; but then I had to immediately go into over-drive on it. Good news: I passed with flying colors and won't have to relive that again for 5 more years. PTL!

I didn't get my massage for the second week in a row so now I'm getting stiff again. With temps forecast to be hot again this coming week I'm not sure I even want to go out. But the place is not open again until Tuesday so I may not have the option to get an appointment. My gal is pretty good, ya know.

My good ol' girl-friend of several years ago (she moved) lost her mother this week. Her husband was also having surgery this week. She has had a terribly rough week too and my heart and prayers are with her.

I guess I should not think that my week was so bad now.

My little online community is doing well, sort of. The new contract was paid for the coming year today. But yesterday the lady that helps me with it quit. I'm hoping she will come back quickly once she thinks things over.

The Praise Team is doing well. We had some rather intense "family discussions" this past week, but I believe everything will get back to smooth sailing pretty fast. We sang a non-contemporary Call to Worship this morning that was well received by the congregation and  we had lots of nice compliments. I do believe we're growing as a team, learning to listen to each other and have started moving as one. It's a lovely process to witness. I'm blessed to be a member now.

Another noteworthy bright spot is that Daddy's PSA numbers are now back in the normal range. The knowledge has been nothing but the best tonic for him and he's a very blessed happy camper

To cap my weekend off Danny and I made a mad dash to Cracker Barrel right after church, but alas, the parking lot looked as if everyone got Cracker Barrel withdrawal at the same was packed! We went to the Asia Grill instead. I got their new Honey Chicken - awesome, I tell ya!

Ok, I'm in my pjs and a drinkypoo and remote control are calling my name. So hopefully next week will be super. In fact my fortune cookie said I was in for "the prospect of terrific news" soon; Dan's said something good was coming in the mail. So, who knows? Maybe we'll win Publishers Clearinghouse! Will let ya know.