, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Fun Weekend


22 August 2012

Fun Weekend

We had a pretty terrific weekend a few days ago. Missy flew in earlier in the day than usual, after using the new Allegiant Airlines. Her travel time was cut in half since it was a straight flight, and arriving early meant we missed a lot of that Friday afternoon traffic coming from Newport News (that airport is so much nicer than Norfolk because it's smaller).

We got back in plenty of time to go to Happy Hour and enjoyed everyone's company. The weather was perfect and even though we're sitting outside of the shop, we're all a little bit Country, so it's every bit as nice as the most elegant place you'd ever want.

We met Lindsey for lunch at the Creeds Cafe the next day and we always laugh so much when we're altogether. (I think Lindsey's true calling was as a stand up comedian with her quick wit). We all struggled to maintain enough not to get thrown out, but I think they understood...and who doesn't like happy people?!

We had a great time attending a wedding shower the next day and saw a lot of people we hardly get to see much these days. It rained the entire time and there was a line of shoes on the porch a mile long. Too funny when you think about it. All these people dressed up and no shoes.

In between times we spent looking at old family photos and playing hidden object games and watching old movies. Just basic kicking back and relaxing mode stuff.

We missed church too, but there is no way of knowing what we're doing between pick-up from the airport and the delivery back to the airport when she leaves again. But we'll make it up later :)

She's coming back in October; already got her tickets. Hopefully by then we'll have some Autumn leaves to share with her instead of steady rain and mud. But I'm sure, either way, she'll be happy to come home again! I can't wait!