, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Church Is Full-Time


03 September 2012

Church Is Full-Time

Since I volunteered to do the choir and the website at church I have been so busy there's no time for blogging.

The web site is coming along nicely now, after my initial overwhelmed "what have I done?" moment. I've had to study how to do a few things that I've never tried before, but that's kind of part of the fun of doing something new.

The other thing I've stepped into with both feet is Choir Director. I think it's been a while since the last one moved away and the choir has done a wonderful job of pulling together and performing each week. I'm hoping that we can fine-tune a few things and build on their resolve to honor God through music. It's exciting even while it's nerve-wracking. I've never been an "up-front" person, preferring to be in the background. The only reason I'd attempt directing the choir is because my back is to the congregation! It's scary looking out there!

Plus there's the Praise Team... being in a singing group like that has always been a dream and I absolutely love singing with the Team. We're learning new things and growing as a unit each time we meet.

And in the meantime, I've gotten a couple more sales in my online store, so that's still kicking in the background. The weather is starting to shift and I'm hoping to do a little yard sale hopping soon (always a treat). I can always say I need new inventory!

Yes, it's been busy lately, but I keep telling myself once I get things settled it will be more about maintenance and scheduling....but that day is still ahead. I really love going to church so I'm having a great time doing all this. Anything for God!