I absolutely love the Fall. So many neat things happen. To start with, I love how the trees are painted with the beautiful leaf colors, as if they've been dipped into pots of paint.
I love how those same leaves gently float away from their summer homes to fall like snow on the ground. Later on, as they dry they will crunch under my feet in the high tinny-sounding music only they can make.
I love watching how far the sun has come in its journey southward, leaving it's earlier high-point near the big old barn. It's now on the south side of my driveway.
I love the cool air and how it turns crisp, soon to make my breath visible.
I love watching the birds migrate, especially the blackbirds. They seem to give you the first clue that summer is stepping aside. Blackbirds, in those large black balls moving across the sky in unison swoop down so low that I can almost see their eyes. They fill the trees behind my house, taking up the places of all those fallen leaves until it looks like the trees are in full bloom again!
I love the teeny-tiny ice crystals that form with the morning frost. So intricate and delicate, yet with the ability to kill off any tender plant it touches.
I love knowing that seemingly forgotten holiday, Thanksgiving is just around the corner, when I can thank Him for making all this happen. We take so much for granted every day of the year.
Yes, the Autumn season of Fall is one of my favorite times of the year.