Blah, blah, blah....who has time to crochet? Apparently not me. Only when I have to go to a doctor's office and get stuck sitting in a waiting room do I get the chance to create with yarn. A couple of weeks ago I started a new scarf in Camo while waiting for my Dad's appointment.
People look at you so funny, especially if you are "starting" from scratch. You sit there with one string and a crochet hook and start going to town on it, and by the time you get up to leave they are all kind of impressed that you got so far so fast. It really doesn't take much to impress a crowd of bored people.
Tomorrow we head back to get some labs done on him, so I'll get my little bag of goodies ready to go soon. I love that it doesn't take up a lot of room and travels well. Now if it would just get a little colder... yarn itches my legs when I wear shorts.