, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: May The Fair Winds Blow


30 October 2012

May The Fair Winds Blow

Yes, I said "may the fair winds blow" in my title. That means I'd rather see those soft gentle white puffy clouds lingering lazily in the blue sky, pushed along by slight breezes. Nothing like what we just went through, for sure!

We did pretty good here at home. It was nothing like ol' Isabell a few years ago that took out our whole woods behind the house. We have some cluttery limbs that fell out of a few pine trees but that's not much. And certainly doesn't hold a candle to all the devastation that was left behind up north of us. Our prayers are with those who are in the midst of that mess, the lost homes, the businesses, the work and school to be missed in the coming weeks, the putting it all back together and dealing with insurance and remembering those precious things that were lost that are suddenly thought of, now that there is no going back for them.

No, I guess we had it pretty good. We didn't lose power if you don't count that one time it went off and we held our breath for a minute or two before the room got lighter again and the clocks started blinking. It ended up with a couple of good 'sleeping days' where you nod off to the sound of rain hitting the windows. A big pot of your favorite soup topped it all off, of course, with dessert out of the Halloween candy.

Poor little Abby doesn't like the cold. She's spoiled herself now that she finally has a good home outside of the puppy mill she was rescued from. We put her little sweater on and she'd reluctantly go outside in the beating windy rain to do her thing in high gear before zooming back inside to the warmth of a good cuddle next to whomever was willing.

The resulting cold made us turn the heat on and my sweat pants are feeling pretty darn good today. But you know what? It'll get warm again before Christmas gets here - it just about always does, don't it?!