, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Hours Filled


17 November 2012

Hours Filled

Yesterday I got a lot of crocheting in. We had to take Dad to the hospital to get tests done & get him some pain relief. I only had about 8 hours to sit around, that's all.

Luckily I had my favorite little crochet bag with me and I spent a lot of time crocheting. I started another washcloth while I was in the waiting room and then worked on it off and on all day. You can only do so much at any one time. Between those wonderfully hard industrial chairs and working with your hands for a few hours my back started giving out. And of course, ya just flat-out get sleepy after a while too. But my goodness, you surely don't want to be the one laying on a bed in a hospital!

Mom saw me crocheting and complimented my creation, saying that mine were always so nice and tight and soft. She loves them, saying they are perfect for cleaning her face too (and she has terrific skin for 86 years old).

Hopefully Dad will feel good enough to come home today. And my washcloth will go into the stack I'm making.