Well, I'm finally going to get to go somewhere. I mean, Great Bridge and Strawbridge are both nice, but they get old real quick. I'm going to go see Missy soon. I've made reservations at a couple of pet-friendly hotels along the way, so that should be an experience in itself. It will be a short visit, but a visit nonetheless.
The RV still needs to have some leaks fixed on the roof so we won't be using that. (that's why we have this huge gi-normous former Wawa ad sign on top of it). I still have hope that maybe by next spring we can crank up the engine and give that a try, maybe heading towards Colorado to see Hubster's folks. That would be awesome.
The thermometer on the back deck was below 40° this morning. This is so getting me ready for the holiday season to get here. It seems like I've been hot for forever. I'm sick of wearing shorts and much prefer to hide my fat little knees beneath jeans and other long pants.... you probably know what I mean.
Thrift stores are getting lots of new stock now as people who missed out on their Spring cleaning are now clearing out closets and cupboards, moving their seasonal clothing around and dumping old Christmas decorations to make room for new ones. One man's loss is another man's treasure (make that woman). :-)
Well, I think it's time for a relaxing cuppa tea on the back deck. Don't you just love watching the leaves falling?