, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Yarn From Santa


22 December 2012

Yarn From Santa

The other day I had a delightful time at the dentist office. There were three little girls waiting for their mother to come back to the waiting area. When I arrived I pulled out my crochet stuff and before I could start one of them says, " I know how to crochet."

The oldest, at about 8 years old, soon asked if she could try. Of course, since I was just working on a little baby hat in multiple pastel colors. She grabbed the needle and hat and went to town on it! It seemed a bit awkward to me, but everyone holds a needle differently. When I later looked at her stitches some were a little 'iffy' but they were all on point! Great job, Little One!

When the mother arrived I asked if they ever made hats, since they'd said they only made scarves. So, with my dad standing there with his coat on, ready to go after his own appointment, we had a tutorial in hat making right there in the office using the other end of the yarn! What fun I'm sure they will be having soon. Maybe Santa will bring some yarn for them this year!

PS: Since they all tried my hat on I know it's the right size now!