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16 July 2013

Decking the Deck

Our deck is getting a long over-due makeover. Several years ago, (bordering on "many" now) we took out our above-ground pool. The kids had grown and moved  out and the moles were tunneling underneath it making it smooshy to walk.

In all that time we have had this huge arc in the middle of our deck where the pool butted up. It seemed like a good idea at the time. The pool came before the deck, so we just built around it. Without a pool there... not so much.

Well, the time has finally come when the hole will be no more! We're waiting for the concrete to dry around the pillars. Wood has been priced and we just need to go get it.

Woohoo! Having this big cut-out has been such a deterrent to having guests over, always being afraid someone would get too close to the edge. I can't wait!