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17 April 2024

So Blessed to be Moving

We were able to finally move our seedlings to a garden bed. This is a huge experiment for us. Unfortunately I couldn't been down long enough to set them out or to get down on my knees to work. Danny had to do all the actual planting while I separated the tiny seedlings from the tray and passed them to him.

While we were busy outside it was beautiful, but oh the smell was terrible! It just so happens that this year they are spreading manure on all the field s surrounding our property. Good grief!!! I could still smell it (or at least I thought I could) when I went to bed last night!

We had a neighbor who shared her hydrangea offshoots with us so we've also been planting a lot of new little bushes. Today was the last one and I'm just so proud of myself to say I actually dug a hole. At least, I started it pretty good so Danny wouldn't have so much to do. It has literally been years since I've been able to do something like that. It's the little things in life, people! ;) Yes, happiness is a hole in the ground!

Speaking of beautiful a few years ago we moved a bunch of bluebells out from under a crepe myrtle tree from the front yard to our back yard. At the time I had thought we had gotten all the flowers moved. I guess I was wrong. The bluebells apparently enjoyed being thinned. There's more under the tree than when we started. We also have a nice showing in the back yard!

It's so nice to be able to get outside and enjoy walking in the yard again. I may be slow but at least I'm not using a cane anymore! All of this has been a long time coming. I am so blessed.