, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: It's June Already!


05 June 2008

It's June Already!

It's sliding by fast. We all say that. Somehow June 2008 is already here. Seems like only yesterday we were shivering under the covers waiting for things to warm up. Now it's past warm and into the hot. Dan likes hotsun; I don't. I like medium. Luckily there are two mediums, one in spring, one in fall. I like winter too, not cold, just winter. I like the fact that you can wear enough clothes to hide in. No more bikinis here folks.

Work is going well. It's going to be slow forever. I get to read a lot. I guess it could be worse. They are paying me to sit and read. I guess my pay checks will be going towards a wedding now. Melissa and Rob are shooting for next July. So we all have about a year to get our ducks in a row. It will take just about that long too, I'm sure. I have a lot of ducks.

My greenhouse is doing nicely thank you, as is my little garden. Next year I'm not experimenting with much; just planting what I know we'll eat. What we have is going well though, I'm just getting tired of watering everyday. It's so hot I have to. Having a shade cloth is a great advantage that I never had before. We went out this morning and anchored it better. I used Big Mama's clothespins. She sure did love her clothespins! And yes, they work fine every time!

Right now I'm thinking siestas are back in style. Maybe being hot has it's advantages too?!

Melissa's birthday was yesterday. We had all gotten together the weekend before so I called Wednesday morning special. I didn't dare sing though. I'm sure it was too early in the day for that. I wished her a great day and spent my own day thinking back to the day she was born and how I'll never have that little one on my lap again. It was bittersweet. I am so proud of her.