, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Happy Hour


31 May 2008

Happy Hour

We're having a good weekend so far. Melissa and Rob got in yesterday afternoon before either me or Danny got home from work. They went over to Mom's to get her new TV stand out of the car for her.  We met up with them at Happy Hour.

We were the last ones to show up at Happy Hour. Someone was trying to fax some paperwork to us. I'm not accustomed to receiving faxes at home, just sending them, usually resumes for jobs. It was a quick learning process to actually get one. I have the easiest program in the world for doing so. So easy that I tried to make it harder than it should be. I clicked on "receive" when I should have just left it alone to do its thing. But eventually it was ok and we went over to Happy Hour.

There were 14 at Happy Hour this week. I guess the weather is making this a more advisable thing to do. It was so nice outside with the breeze just right. Mom had made some cabbage soup and of course there were lots of chips and dips and cheeses and wine, etc. It was really "HAPPY."

Just over the fence next to the dog pens there were wild geese, a bunch of them! Dad went over and threw bread out for them. On this side of the fence our geese went over to congregate with them. That included the 4 goslings that are about twice the size of a man's cap. One time they all made a hasty retreat away from the wild geese. Melissa noticed that as they did the older geese encircled the babies so that they were protected on all sides. That was really cool to see.

We miss noticing little miracles like that all the time. They happen all the time and we just miss taking note. Like those gorgeous sunrises and sunsets or clouds, each one different yet we go about our days and think nothing of them. Slow down today and really see what's happening in your neck of the woods. Take a moment and thank God for everything we take for granted. Let Him feel appreciated today. Let every day be a Happy Hour!