, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: That Achy Feeling


29 June 2008

That Achy Feeling

No, it's not me. It's Danny and his back that are achy. I've been telling him for weeks now to go ahead and get an appointment. No, he has to wait until it really is hurting and then call. He knows it could take 4-6 weeks without luck to get an appointment. That's why I tell you all to call when it happens and if it gets better to cancel the appointment. Now he waits. Dan's not very good with time. He thinks it's only been a few days when it's been since the middle of April. I had put a note in my diary about his back hurting him. It was about 2 days after he changed the bed out from the waterbed.

Speaking of waterbed, if you don't know, it's gone for good. I sold it on eBay last week and the lady picked it up the same day. How cool is that?

I believe it's a wren that's made a nest in my large potted plant in the greenhouse. Makes it hard to water the plant. The last time I tried to put a little mist on it she headed out at 90mph.

Lindsey's Dad had to make room at his house so Lindsey is now the proud owner of her very own pool table. I believe it's sitting smack dab in the middle of her (former) living room. From what I hear the good folks at Q-Masters are going to stop over and do the slate and felt for her. Nothing like having those connections to help you out! She's been a regular at Q-Masters for a long time and knows everybody there. It's her own personal "Cheers" kinda place!

My India boss is supposed to come into town this week. so I may be meeting him after all. They don't give women much credit over there, and I know his wife thinks very little of Americans in general. This oughta be good!

Since I'll be working a full week in July I think I'll have met my requirements for the Social Security quarters for 2008 by the end of July. That will leave earning 4 quarters in 2009 and I will be qualified and able to reapply. Good thing - my hip shelf life will be 10 years old by the time I get to apply and I'll probably be looking for an updating surgery along then. Pray the hip lasts the full 12 years predicted when they were installed!

Well, we just got leftover deer roast bought over to us by Mom & Dad, so I think I'll go warm up supper! It'll go nicely with our leftover squash and a home grown tomato!
Happy trails! LJ