I have around 20 items on there; I want to keep it small in number. Then if I decide to quit again it won't be like I have 400 on there to deal with. Basically I'm just trying to clean a few shelves off, not get rich. I don't know who these people are that are supposed to be getting rich, but more power to 'em.

I also finally made it to 250 in my feedback ranking. If everyone that I ever sold to had bothered to give feedback I would have reached this lofty goal a year or so ago. But not everyone plays the feedback game so it's taken me longer. I, on the other hand, give feedback to everyone! And I'm very positive about it too, even if they didn't do everything right, I always word it so it sounds nice.

Well, I worked all day today and I'm very tired. Dan's back is still bothering him so he didn't go in at all. He's been laying on the floor in the daytime and sleeping on the floor at night. Luckily, his appointment is this coming Monday morning. If he can just last that long.....! I'm sure he doesn't have anything big; that's always reserved for me. But this was something I couldn't fix for him, using Dr. Barr's methods she taught me to do on him.
Say a prayer that he gets better and we both get a good night's sleep.
Good night to you, too!