Just a wonderful, beautiful day today. We walked down to the mailbox and the air was just a gentle warm breeze, perfect. I was able to get out and get a couple of weeds pulled up today. My flowers are growing so much now that we've had rain. The garden is kicking.
Of course I was on the computer this morning working on my little store. You never know, someone might be looking this weekend, looking for some little thing that is sitting on my shelf, I hope. Someone might be house-bound, a big storm raging outside with only football games on telly. What else is there to do?! Go browse on eBay of course!
I have a puzzle I've put on there. We've taken it to be new all this time; we never used it. It sat and sat with no one to play with. So now, after I have listed it, I decided I need to put it together and make sure all the pieces are there. I would hate to sell an incomplete puzzle! And counting all the pieces would suck, so I figured I'll fix it, since some of the pieces were already "together."
If anyone wants it, now's the time to be speaking up. It's 19½" round, and has dolphins. It's really pretty in blues and greens.