, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Still hot


04 August 2008

Still hot

It's supposed to be hot all week. I guess my naturally curly hair will be one big dandelion by the end of the week. It's also suppose to rain for half of the week. Yippee, I can hardly wait!

Danny's new computer just came a few minutes ago. The one he got to replace his lightening struck one turned out to be a lemon. We ended up sending it back and they gave us a gift card to use to replace the computer. So we never lost a cent. Cool deal! He's bought himself an Acer with lots of potential to play his games. I'm surprised he even remembers he has games. He never got to play any on the lemon machine. Well, we did our homework and found something to meet his needs and I think this will do the trick. We'll add my old flat-screen monitor that I had repaired (I'd already bought a new one) and he'll be good to go.

I've been working on getting my free web hosts lined up. So far, so good. I split my endeavors apart and used two different hosts instead of one. I also bought 2 domain names from a registrar, one for my CountryLane site and one for my genealogy site. The sites are not quite ready yet, but I'm getting there.

My eBay store is doing ok, much better than it did last time. Next week I'll have some of the first items that didn't sell to finish up; they will be going to a Salvation Army or CHKD soon. I thought I'd give them one last chance. Most of them I have long gotten my money's worth out of, so I'm not losing anything.
I have finished moving the cinder blocks around. Danny moved the birdbath for me this past week. I had worked so hard to set everything up earlier this Spring, only to find that it was too much for my decrepit body to handle. So in the vein of "less is best" I've reconfigured everything down to a minimum.

Have you been watching "So You Think You Can Dance?" We have. You just know that it's going to come down to Joshua and Katie, with Katie taking it all, unless the popularity vote wins over skill. Josh has had no training, but is brilliant to watch, especially when partnered with Katie. I would pay to see them.

We are switching our phone service from Verizon finally. On Thursday they will come out and put us on Cox. We'd held out so long thinking that when the cable is out so would be our phones, but with a cell phone on hand it's a mote point. The winning point was how much we'd save. We were on Verizon's lowest "basic" plan at $35 a month. Our bills were somehow always about $55 or better each month. Enough is enough! For both cable/Internet & phone we were paying about $125/mo. So we went with the Cox bundle for all 3 services and will save about $25 each month, (enough for a nice date night, don't you think?) Plus we've eliminated one more separate bill and that's a very good thing!!

Well, I better go water the drooping floral and fauna by the greenhouse. They're having heat stroke!