We got 3½ inches of rain on Wednesday night. You could almost hear the grass growing when it stopped. Everything has greened up so much. The butterflies have been checking out all the new blooms. I felt so silly chasing butterflies down to get a photo; by the time I get focused they move.
Dan's back is getting a little better each day. Mine's bothering me some, low down; so is my hip and neck. Maybe it's from the weather. I have little hope of mine making a full recovery like Dan's can.
We've got tons of tomatoes now, peppers, chives, zucchini. One of the pepper plants as well as the squash are dying. The squash beetles got those. Not sure about the pepper. It just looks like it dried up even though we watered it.
Dan and I went to Sam's Club yesterday afternoon. I tell you, they are passing out free meals practically, they have so many samples tables. They were giving out orange drink, trail bars, and showcasing an oil based enhancement with all kinds of noodles, which was really good. You got a whole plate of that!
On the way to Sam's we stopped by a thrift store and put some veggies off at Lindsey's house. I took her 2 cherry tomato plants from out of my garden box on the deck. They were too close to the others and needed thinned out. It was hot in the car while we were in the thrift store; when we got back to the car after shopping one of the tomatoes was starting to bloom! They do like hot!