, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: What hurricane?


06 September 2008

What hurricane?

So far it's been not too bad. Wind of course is kicking. But if you followed the map, like Edgar Casey said, we live in one of the safest places on earth. The rain is for the most part, scooting just past us. Right now, at 1pm everywhere BUT here is getting hit.

We've had the electricity go out twice so far, but it came back on in a minute or so. A miracle to say the least. Thank you God!

We moved everything around on Thursday to get ready for this big Hanna event, porch furniture is put away with cushions in the garage, cars pulled in somewhere, plants are tucked away. The cat's asleep in the garage and Sweetie, the Beagle is keeping watch by her box at the woods edge. Not a peep.

Dan's cooking some "leftover" stew. When it rains it makes you think soup of some kind. Even though the temps are quite high, and it's muggy outside as well, the cloudy day makes it a soup day.
Since bringing in my hibiscus plant that was absolutely full of blooms it has started blooming. I imagine it will continue a while. Not sure if you can see all the buds sticking up all over. And the flowers are very heavy since they are double bloomers. Wouldn't it be cool to use this for a Christmas tree?

Hope you're having a wonderful day where you are. Pray for those in harms way, now and when the next hurricanes show up.