, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: What's happening?


18 September 2008

What's happening?

I haven't written for a while. I'm busy. My website host is up for renewal in December and the time is going by fast. So I've been researching a replacement, looking and comparing features and costs for about 2 dozen site hosts. I refuse to pay $7/mo for web service for no more than I do. I had it before at $5, but I was a "new user" then.

This summer I tried out a free site where mycountrylane worked beautifully. My genealogy site didn't. All my genealogy is done with FrontPage; it's hard to find the support without paying. So I just sign up with that free host,only buying 2 months so I could try the genealogy part out.

My new web site name will no longer be, but rather and They are in the process of procuring the names I've chosen and I should be setting things up over the weekend. You know, choosing names is the hardest part of getting online. Anyway, that's done.

We've been cleaning up around the garden. We cut off that 10 foot long zucchini, leaving a branch that is still producing at only 4 foot. It won't last much longer either. The tomatoes are getting shabby with worms, whiteflies and aphids. It's a mess. We're picking tomatoes everyday and pruning dead leaves at the same time. I'll be glad when it's over. Dan's put up so much sauce we'll be turning pick as flamingos by next spring.

We pulled up the hosta plants we moved from the pool area. I just can't keep them weeded and Dan doesn't have time or inclination. I'm hoping LaVerne will get them. She said Sarah want's to put something along the side her their house. I hate to just throw them out. If not I'll put them out by the woods edge where it's shady, leaving them on top of the ground to root themselves or die. Too bad, so sad. I can do no better.

Dan's been working on 4-wheelers, tillers, lawnmowers, generators, and weedwackers. I think he should just go ahead and put his shingle out instead of doing this AND going to work. Between that and his truck, sailboat, motorcycle, boat, 3 cars, his weedwacker and lawn mowers, and whatever else quits working around here I think he's more than busy and will never get around to getting the truck, sailboat, motorcycle, or boat fully operational at the rate he's going.

I think our "vacation" is on indefinite" hold. I just wanted weekend away. Every time I think it'll happen we get a hurricane or the car starts acting up. Now hunting season is almost here and you know that doesn't jive with going anywhere except to the woods.

Work is ok as far as I'm concerned, but now I live in fear of being told "we have to let you go." The dumb asses in India loaded up the manhole stuff into containers that were sitting on the ground, so the little forklift tires brought in lots of dirt and mud. The US Agriculture Dept. frowns on bringing foreign soil to the US, so we have 12 huge containers being held up by customs at about $6,000 each to have them emptied and steam cleaned. We're paying storage too. As low man on the pole who do you think will be deleted first? Me of course. All I want to do is stay there long enough to get my quarters in for 2009. Then Dr. Barr will help me get the disability which she's wanted me on for quite a while now.

I do keep noticing little things happening, I'm just trying to hold on for as long as I can. My neck is getting hard to turn real bad now. I'm always pulling it this way and that to keep it going. Not good for looking out the car window for oncoming traffic from the left.

I found a new site to sell on called BONANZLE. It pulled in my feedback and all the items I had listed on Ebay.