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08 May 2011

Happy Mother’s Day 2011

Another opportunity shows up to thank Mom for being there for me every step of every day. We’re hoping to have lunch on the deck today after they get back from church. Missy is already here and Lindsey, my workaholic, says she’ll be here too. We’ll just do a quick hamburger on the deck if rain stays clear until this afternoon. Fingers crossed.

This past week I took Mom to see Dad’s cousin, Anna May Dozier Wise, 98. She’s in a nursing home in Portsmouth. It was the first time both she and Mom were in wheelchairs. They had a delightful visit, but Anna is quite down in the dumps since her only child passed away last year. She has very few visitors. I do wish she could move closer to us.

When we got back from our visit Dan was cutting grass. I went inside the house and discovered this sweet little arrangement of buttercups and a rose bud on the kitchen table:

So I went back outside and thanked Danny for my nice surprise. Then I went back in, changed my clothes, admired my flowers and finally went to my office.
There, I found the roses on my desk. Wow! He is so sneaky, but in a very good way!
Another day this week Mom called to say that the geese had hatched. She was on the back porch watching them over at the boat landing. I went over to take some photos but I was too far away to get anything worth sharing. As I went to leave Dad hollered from under the grape vine…he’s been cleaning up all the many years’ accumulation in the shop.