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30 April 2011

Finally Off the Loom

My beautiful green scarf is finally off the loom, finished, done! I have really been finished making the scarf a week or two ago, but I'd go to a doc office or somewhere and not remember to grab a crochet hook and pair of scissors with me. So it didn't get officially finished until today.

I had to look at a video to see exactly how to remove it from the long rectangular loom - I'd never done one before, but it was as I'd pretty much guessed it would be. Alternately add a loop, move the back one over the new one, while working top row, bottom row, top row, bottom row. Too simple.

I do like how it turned out a lot. And since I have more yarn like this in variegated colors I can wait to start my next one! :) It won't take nearly so long either!