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16 August 2011

Smoke Gets in My Eyes, and More

This was the view from my front door today. This is smoke, not fog. I'm definitely staying indoors today. I think this is why my headaches have started to come back with a vengeance. Over the warm days I haven't been plagued so much. But I went out yesterday to take Mom to an appointment and by the time I got home it was painful. All night long was miserable; I went to bed with a headache and woke up with a headache. Nothing touches it, even when I took Allegra D and 2 ibuprofen.

As luck would have it, I have a referral to the same doctor Mom saw yesterday. She saw him for ears; I will see him for sinus. I'm hoping, after all these years now, that we have narrowed the source of the headaches to sinus. He's also the same guy who did Dan's nasal surgery a few years ago. I only hope he can help me too.