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14 September 2011

Abby's Sweater

I did it, I have made my first dog sweater! And, even better - she likes it! I made it using both tan and black yarn on the Red Knifty Knitter loom.

Doing the leg holes was a little difficult as I freelanced my way through it. I had to undo my first 2 attempts and put the threads back on the posts, which is never easy.

MY INSTRUCTIONS: From the top of the loom (with the extra tie-off post) I counted down both sides and started my "leg hole" on post 7. I worked the first two posts (#7 and #8) as normal, pulling back thread over front thread. Then I removed the remaining thread on #7 and put it on #8, so that there were 2 threads on #8 again. Now that #8 had 2 again, I then worked that again down to 1 thread, worked the next post #9  and repeated as before. Always working with 2 posts together, and moving the remaining thread on the first to the second. (I think).

There's a lot of "give" using the loom, so the finished product stretches really good while still offering a snug fit. Abby likes her wardrobe and is now ready to whiz outdoors during the winter months.