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06 June 2017

Occupying Time

Being stuck at home while healing from back surgery is the pits. But it does offer plenty of time to crochet. For several weeks I'd been looking at a yarn bag of odds and ends I'd gotten from the thrift store. I grabbed the blue and cream and started experimenting with the Cross Over Stitch. I'd done it a few years ago but wanted to see if I could remember how it went. After a quick refresher I made a small lap blanket for church.

Later while plundering in my yarn stockpiles I pulled the extra large wicker basket out where I toss leftover bits of yarn every so often. Since the basket is now full it's time to start putting the pieces together. I've started another random yarn blanket that I fondly call the "Speckled Pup." As you can see I have a nice start already.