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07 June 2017

What Passes For Active

Perhaps it's impatience on my part; I'm anxious to be healed and well and back doing things I love. But I know it's going to take a much longer time. Grrrr!  My therapy is going well so far. I want it to to faster, thinking I'll get better sooner.

I've been crocheting a lot lately and I've repotted a lot of my indoor plants (with Hubster's help, of course). I am reading all the books on my shelves as I go through them for downsizing purposes. Why do we save so much stuff??

When  the weather is nice in the evenings (it has been raining a lot) I like to sit on the deck and watch the evening birds as they head home. I think we must be in an Egret flight patch because we see them heading in the opposite direction in the mornings too.  At dark we also have what we call 'Cigar Birds" because they look like little cigars with wings. They are actually Chimney Swifts and I love their chirping as they circle over the house several times each evening; gathering bugs I suppose.

We still don't know what is taking the bait from a small trap Hubster's put near the deck. He's added a camera now. Too bad he didn't have it active the other night when it rained. The cage was moved this time.  Since I saw the groundhog across the field last week I'm starting to wonder if he could be reaching in between the wire and nabbing the bread, thereby avoiding setting off the springs? Hopefully the camera will tell us soon.

Our tomatoes are loving the rain. They are a foot high now and have tiny buds already. We don't have much of a garden this year. The last few years were pretty bleak. So we got a few herbs for cooking and two Better Bush Tomatoes for a last ditch effort. We're excited to see if these pan out better than the horrible German Queen of last year - all that did was grow tall with no fruit.

.When we cleaned out the greenhouse we just kept a few large pots. Because changing hummingbird feeders was becoming a hit or miss affair I added Red Salvia and yellow Marigolds to the pots across the deck and it worked. We now have hummingbirds visiting again. (They weren't too pleased when the feeders weren't full).

I am hoping to get back to a better more normal life soon. At least that's the plan at this time!