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15 November 2018

It Worked

I must say, posting our dilemma online worked. I heard from Cox within minutes, not just once but from three different people! Finally I got several phone calls and I now have the name and number of a Cox contact should anything go amiss.

We are experiencing a delay in physical response, but unfortunately we learned from the landscaper himself that there was a death in his family the day before he called. We told him to take his time since we've had the problem for so long now anyway. The funeral is this Friday. Thanksgiving is the following week. So we're not sure when we'll actually get the problem taken care of, but feel like things are now on track. Meanwhile the frost has killed a lot of the weeds that had become so high.

Blowing out the candle
Last week was very busy. She doesn't look it, but Mom turned 92 (can you believe it?) and our whole family got together to celebrate, including my kids from FL. Mom loves seafood so we had a grand gathering at the Surf Rider restaurant on Sunday night. Then on Monday the "girls" from the Happy Hour Gang took her out to the Lucky Oyster. I believe she's up for one more seafood excursion before the week is over! If fish is good for you, then she should be in top-notch shape for a good while!

By-the-way, the Happy Hour Gang is a group of folks who have been meeting on Friday evenings at the hunt club/poker house for years. It started when people would see Daddy out by the barn and stop by on their way home after work. They'd sit a spell and have a Coca Cola together and some chips or crackers. From there it evolved into more folks arriving at the same time with occasional hot dogs or leftover BBQ. Later everyone just brought food and stayed a while; sometimes it's pizza, or a big pot of soup, fried chicken or a casserole. It's always a true pot-luck event with a lot of fun for everybody!

Now it's time for Thanksgiving again. Last year was the first time we hosted the family, after years of doing Christmas dinners. And while getting ready for this event I'm involved with learning to play and sing music in preparation for the evening Thanksgiving service at church.

As mentioned, the weather has turned off with our first frost this past week. Rain and winds are knocking all the remaining autumn leaves out of the picture and it's time for soup, hot chocolate and crocheting in my pj's. I've been working on a blanket with a neighbor. We've made all 30 blocks and now I'm putting them together. I can't wait for the finished product!