, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: As We Head Into Fall


21 September 2020

As We Head Into Fall

To the average person this morning looks gray and gloomy. To me I see another side of God's amazing power. The winds are on the strong side and slightly tangy in their crispness. They are pleasant by Autumn standards and I think they are heralding in the season which officially starts tomorrow. I even wore a crochet hat instead of my straw hat for my walk. And those glorious clouds are in all variations of gray and the artist in me sees the overlapping of the cloud layers as a masterpiece. Then the dawn arrives with a sharp contrast of brilliant color. What a plan!

This past week I finished the crochet blanket. I will soon see about taking it back to the lady who gave me the box of crochet squares. While putting everything together I thought a lot about her, her family, and the great-grandmother who had originally made the 121 squares. Surely that woman put a lot of love into their making; perhaps she thought about her loved ones kept warm by it on chilly winter days. I hope she would have been pleased to have her work completed and not just abandoned as a box full of scraps. I also hope that this blanket will be cherished by perhaps a great-great-great granddaughter someday, knowing this was a last gift from her ancestor.

We finally made the decision to trim two of our large cedar trees. I've always been of the persuasion that God designed trees the way He wanted them to be so I love seeing Cedars all the way to the ground. Unfortunately, due to my back issues since surgery the vines have started to over-run the tree and it was too thick along the bottom to get to the roots. We did what we had to do. The only real joy I got from this was watching Danny enjoy using his chainsaw. Nothing like a man and his toys, right?