, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: For Our Birthday Girl


11 November 2020

For Our Birthday Girl

 Today is Mom's first birthday in Heaven. I bet she's having a glorious time! She always loved birthdays and getting presents and surprises. In her book birthdays were right up there with Christmas. Her eyes would twinkle when she would get a gift and she'd start out being all neat and sedate about opening the box. But if it didn't open quick enough she would toss caution to the wind and rip into that sucker with utter abandon, with wrapping paper flying all which a way!

When we were little kids whoever had a birthday always got their favorite meal for supper along with their favorite homemade birthday cake. (Mine was always fried chicken, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, followed by chocolate cake). Since birthdays were special to her she always made sure it was like that for everyone on their own special day. I can remember some special birthdays even for some of the hunters who frequented our kitchen table!

Last year we didn't know it would be her last party. Luckily it turned out to be a really good one. It was at her favorite Surf Rider Restaurant and along with our family her closest friends turned out to help her celebrate.

Through the years our family birthdays would be one every month from October to March, then jump to June and July before we had another small break. Birthdays were just extra holidays on the calendar! Mom enjoyed each and every one of them too!!

Make a wish, Mom!
I wish you were here!