, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Remembering


02 December 2020



A year ago this morning was one of the most catastrophic times of my life. Without speaking to the rest of my family I know they are flashing back to that morning when Mom left us forever. We had all moved to a hallway so they could take an x-ray when suddenly the ICU nurse ran towards us. He said, "Her heart stopped" and we ran back to a new world without her.

We have been so sad through our first Thanksgiving without her when we'd been so happy at our last one. The day after that Thanksgiving we took her to have surgery and had expected her recovery. God had other plans. After Covid struck we realized how fortunate we were to have been able to be with her that weekend. Had surgery been postponed we might have been barred from entry.

During my morning walk I had my good cry. I was remembering where I was and all the pain I'd felt. Ever prompt, she had left us a 9am. But during my sorrow today I suddenly heard the church bells playing "O Come, All Ye Faithful" to mark the hour. I thought about the words to the song. O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant! Mom was faithful and she went when He called her home. Those who believe in Jesus will have that same experience of responding to His call. Isn't that the whole reason for the season?

During this holiday season take a moment to remember all the families who have lost someone over the past year, so many more due to Covid. This may be their first Thanksgiving and Christmas without a loved one. In some cases several family members will be missing and nothing will ever be the same again. Pray for God to give peace and comfort to all those who are hurting and for them to reach out to Him and have a closer relationship with Him in 2021.

Appreciate those around you now in this moment. Forgive when you should and let God's blessings enrich your life.