, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: YEAH! We Got Snow!


28 January 2021

YEAH! We Got Snow!

 Awaking to more than predicted snow was simply awesome! Getting snow at any time is close to miracle status around here. We got just over 3 inches. Everything was coated like I haven't seen in  a long time. The path going through the woods was outrageously beautiful. Of course I had to get outside as quick as I could and take some photos. 


Toby had a great time outside running in circles, examining everything and even photo bombing one of my photos - look for the streak as he zipped past me at 100 mph! But poor short-legged Abby! Everything was going along so nicely when we suddenly noticed that she was having difficulty walking. The snow had caked on her front legs and formed huge snow balls! When I tried to break them off I quickly discovered that they were just mashing into serious chunks of ice. We headed inside and grabbed the hair dryer. Now, she hates the hair dryer but we had to get these things off her so she had to deal with it. She took a nice nap afterwards. Ah! the stress of romping!