, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Special Friends


09 February 2021

Special Friends

 Growing up life wasn't so filled with that kind of knowledge. My own sister died before I was born when she was just 2 years old so there was always a void in my life because of that. I often wondered what it would have been like if she had lived.

When we're young kids can be cliquish without meaning to be. In my case there were older girls who all had friends, and there were younger girls who all had friends. I wasn't included in either age group because I was not in the right age group. I always felt like a loner.There were only 4 boys in the neighborhood who were my age. No girls. The boys didn't include me in anything, of course.

When I was 12 a new girl moved into the neighborhood and I soon had a best friend who became like a sister to me. We did tons of stuff together and had so much fun. In our teens there were several other girls that we were close to and so we all grew up together. It was wonderful. We were all real close until, as the oldest, I went away to college. Then things gradually started drifting apart as they usually do. We grew up, married, etc, etc, etc.

Later I came back home, married and had two daughters. Right before my children's dad left God sent me another best friend. When she moved here I hadn't been going to church because home life wasn't going well, but once I started attending again it was just a matter of time before we met. She asked me to host a Mary Kay party and when she came to my home she asked why she had never seen my husband. I shared my story and she helped me over the hard times when my marriage dissolved. She and her family pretty much adopted us and we spent more time at their house than at home. She became my chosen sister. We both shared a love of singing at church and had a deep friendship. Eventually though, she moved away.

Now that I'm older my life is filled with my extended church family. We have a wonderful loving church family out here in our rural neck of the woods. I know I can call on any of them if I ever need help. And there are very special places in my heart for my singing sisters (Hollie, Jennifer, Nina, and Laurie) that I've been extra blessed with over the last few years. I love each one of them.

Thanks to Facebook we're not as separated as we once were. You can message someone any time. God gave me these special people during different times in my life. I am so grateful He did!

It's nice knowing people care about you, so when you take a moment to write Happy Birthday on someone's profile it really does brighten a day. It's a simple reminder that goes a long way. Just saying!