, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Soon


05 September 2012


So far behind. So much to do. So little time. But tomorrow I should make a dent in my crocheting to-do list. Hubster has a colonoscopy appointment and these days they require you to wait there instead of visiting the thrift store down the road (so unfair, LoL). So I'm packing up my little bag to get some work done.

Yesterday a quick trip to Wal-mart found me checking out some new Peaches and Cream cotton yarn since I'm almost finished with my previous bulk purchase. I think they purposely put the yarn by the door, don't you? My selection was for the white with flecks of green and blue. I think that should 'make up' very well; I was actually thinking Christmas gifts when I bought it.